U.S. Consumer Healthcare Advocacy Group


We use quantum computing to process massive amounts of data, quickly and then deliver the information to our members via Human Healthcare Advocates. We combine Clean Data with Control Data to make predictive analysis which allows us to offer the right solution (service and product) to the member at the right time. For 9.99 a month every American can have a personal human healthcare advocate that will care for them like a family member would.

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Management Team


Kevin Roberts


Heather Logrippo


Nathan Owens

CEO and Acting CHRO

Anna Allen

Chief Intellectual Property Officer

Parrish Nordan

General Counsel

Frank Prochilo

President, Mom Bomb

Maria Alter

President, LegalMed

Lyn Craven

President, Soothe & Main

Karen Dumond

President, ReduceMed

Matthew Landreau

President, Benimax

David Haft