
BEAN (Boston Electronic Application Network) is a new electronic exchange that trades AppShares. AppShares are BEAN's novel securities that allow mobile app developers access to pools of capital that they need to realize the full business potential of an app. In exchange for this capital, developers issue to our investors AppShares, backed by a percentage of the increased revenues generated by their app.

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Management Team


Tim Coleman

Tim is CEO and Co-founder of BEAN. He is a serial entrepreneur who has successfully founded and built several companies from early stage funding through strategic expansion over a 20 year career. Tim is a senior life science fellow for PwCs health care advisory practice. Tim has an MBA from the BU School of Management and a PhD in molecular biophysics from the Medical College of Virginia at VCU.


Tim Burnieika

Tim coordinates the financial and business operations at BEAN. He has over 12 years experience in negotiating large, liquid markets, having most recently worked on Global Equity trading desks at Fidelity and MFS. Tim holds a BA in Economics from Harvard College.

Market Strategist

Jeff Heisler

Jeff provides the strategic vision behind AppShares and the BEAN exchange. He brings 17 years of experience analyzing financial market behavior as an analyst and academic, including founding the Masters of Science in Investment Management program at the BU School of Management. Jeff holds a PhD in Finance from the Stern School of Business at NYU and an MBA from the Booth School of Business at the University of Chicago.

VP, Network Systems

Chris Arsenault

Chris is responsible for BEANs networks. He brings 17 years of engineering and management experience developing infrastructure networks in the telecommunications industry. Chris holds an Engineering degree from WPI.

General Counsel

John Sten

John is General Counsel at BEAN and is responsible for regulatory and legal compliance of AppShares and the BEAN exchange. A former staff attorney at the SEC, John has also been partner at several large international law firms. John graduated magna cum laude from Columbus School of Law at Catholic University of America

VP, Information Systems

Anne Marie Biernacki

Anne Marie is responsible for all of BEAN's systems development. A career entrepreneur, she brings 20 years of experience in the development & delivery of emergent SaaS solutions to market, with expertise in web and mobile platforms and rules based systems. Anne Marie was named a 2005 MHT “Woman to Watch”. She holds a MS from Tufts University in Electrical Engineering.