Healthcare Market Research


Toteson Medical Education Center
260 Longwood Avenue, Mini Amphitheater 227
Boston, MA 02115
United States

Tuesday, 4 December 2018 - 8:30am to 12:00pm

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Great work in life science research does not always lead to better healthcare, often because of a lack of understanding the market. The quality of market research, similar to the quality of laboratory research, hinges on asking the best questions and carefully evaluating the answers.

Market research helps you learn about your customers (patients, doctors, hospitals), your competitors, and potential barriers to entry. This research is necessary to reduce real and perceived business risks associated with your invention, helps uncover new trends or problems in the current market, and identifies opportunities for revenue.

Workshop goals:

  • Understand the complexity of healthcare markets

  • Understand barriers for new healthcare products

  • Learn market sizing techniques

  • Learn tips and trick of healthcare market research

About the Instructor:

Ilsa, a creative thinker and process driven planner, brings nearly 20 years in healthcare business strategy to the table. Through her experiences working on many product types, business models and planning processes both in start-ups and multi-nationals, she knows how to see the forest AND the trees. This experience has contributed to the success of emerging ventures and market leaders by uncovering value for new technologies. She has led process and product development through her work in orthopedics, cardiology, neurology, endoscopy, dialysis, hospital supplies, bioprocessing, tissue banking and hormone therapy spaces. Ilsa has particular experience helping companies build fact-based product and strategic plans that create value and advance organizational thinking. She enjoys working with clients to look for simple solutions to the not-so-simple problems.

More information about Ilsa Webeck can be found on her website.