Sensible Baby


Sensible Baby provides parents peace of mind through wearable technology solutions for infants. Parent anxiety for infants is at a constant high. Parents want to know what is happening to the child when it is happening. The Smart One finally provides parents with the information the need when they need it in an safe and easy way. In a matter of two clicks on a smart device, you can monitor the movements, temperature and orientation of your child.

Management Team


Ben S Cooper

Ben has a background in biomechanics and has published work on footwear/turf performance for the NFL. Most recently, Ben was a lead engineer for the US DoD. His main focus was product development of the armed forces clothing and equipment.


Jeff Tagen

Jeff has long been a tech fanatic. Whether it be tinkering in his basement or being a key member in several startup companies, he is on the leading edge of innovation. Jeff also teaches innovation and technology classes at Johnson and Wales University in RI.

Ben Cooper