Dynamic Education Solutions


More than 30 million K-12 students (60%) are not proficient in math - about the same as it was in 2003. Math teachers across the country struggle to engage students in learning math. Students struggle to connect math to their lives. Current products on the market continue to fall short of expectations despite new technology. DES' SaaS model using real world numbers reinvents math education and blazes a new trail in the $2B digital content market.

Management Team

Chief Executive Officer

Chris Moore

Chris brings more than 20 years of experience in management, operations and database marketing to DES. Responsibilities: Product development, sales, overall management, and CRM strategic planning. He is passionate about education and understands how customer relationship management tools and tactics can be used to permanently fix the math crisis in our nation's schools.

Chief Marketing Officer

Frank Reece

Frank has over 30 years of experience managing and leading organizations in manufacturing, sales, education and international marketing. Responsibilities: sales, marketing, communications, strategic relationships. Frank is a serial entrepreneur and knows what it takes to bring a product from concept to active adoption.

Chief Education Officer

Ed Gotgart

Ed has over 35 years of experience in education, holding positions from classroom teacher to school district Superintendent. Responsibilities: Content development and ongoing management, product compliance, school relations. Ed is a life long educator and is eager to lead schools in a better direction; one where an education has an exciting and compelling value proposition for students.