Application Deadline: InnovateMass Program


The InnovateMass program provides up to $250,000 in grant funding and technical support to applicant teams deploying new clean energy technologies or innovative combinations of existing technologies with a strong potential for commercialization. Successful applicants will propose projects that address important energy challenges, help to grow the state’s clean energy economy, and contribute to Massachusetts’ continued clean energy leadership.

Each round of InnovateMass welcomes applications from across the clean energy technology landscape (including clean energy generation, energy efficiency, energy storage, data for clean energy applications, and other types of technologies as defined in the FAQ section below). In addition, each round of InnovateMass includes a topic-specific Spotlight, which aims to surface innovative ideas that speak to a specific energy challenge. The InnovateMass Spotlight for Round VII-B (Summer 2019) is: Data Science and Machine Learning. Details on how to apply to the Spotlight can be found on the InnovateMass under “How Do I Apply?”, below.